

A candy that made history.

For 100 years, in Bormio, a tourist town in Valtellina, a small family-run company has been producing artisanal candies and sugar-covered almonds.

History History
Year 1921

When it all began

The idea of Teodosio Brielli, who in 1921 decided to set up a confectionery business in a mountain town, seemed bizarre; the concept of tourism was far from developed and the production of sweets was minimal. Teodosio Brielli, esteemed and skilled pastry chef, collaborated with prof. Mattiazzo to develop the recipe for a candy that could alleviate the respiratory problems that afflicted the patients of the Morelli sanatorium in Sondalo. The pine gem was born, a candy that definitely marked the end of the Brielli alpine pastry shop to make room for the candy factory.

History History
Awards since 1921

A company awarded over the years

The pine gem received the acknowledgement of the king and the pope and the positive comments of doctors such as Italo Pedrazzini.

"...Imprigionare tutte le più balsamiche emanazioni delle nostre abetaie e dei nostri lariceti e metterle - in ogni tempo ed in ogni luogo- a disposizione dei vostri bronchi e dei vostri polmoni - siano essi sani, deboli o ammalati- per la più fisiologica delle inalazioni, ecco il compito magistralmente disimpegnato dal Sig. Brielli nelle sue caramelle di Gemme di Pino."

History History
Classic and refined flavors

Continuous expansion of our catalogue

Despite our 100 years, the search for innovative candies which can satisfy the market demand hasn’t stopped: lately, the production of candies made with high-quality honey or sugar-free candies that are sweetened with stevia (natural sweetener) have been really appreciated.

History Continuous innovation and a look towards the future

Continuous innovation and a look towards the future

Carlo Brielli took over the company and expanded its catalogue and distribution network by significantly increasing the annual production of candies. The consequences of the selection of suppliers and raw materials, chosen by Mr. Carlo throughout his years of activity, are still noticeable and appreciated today. Carlo Brielli is the company name chosen by Roberto and Sergio Brielli, the third generation of the sweetest family in Alta Valtellina.

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